Scripture to dive into:
Colossians 1 Romans 8 Philippians 2 Have you ever seen someone who looks so identical to someone else you look multiple times just to be sure? You squint, put on your glasses, move closer for a second glimpse because the resemblance is uncanny and you're sure your mind must be playing a trick. Some call this having a doppelganger or a twin. They bear the image of someone else. Now, some get lucky with their twin and some of us may start to resemble Gollum from Lord of the Rings but don't worry friend, we're all precious in his sight! Bearing someone's image can have its pros and cons. You may have their kind eyes, giving heart, or maybe your noticing similarities to that one family member that's a little out there and now you're questioning everything you do. Don't worry though, if you're the latter there's still hope. Colossians poses a powerful question, who is the image of God? (Colossians 1:15) In this verse its talking about Christ being the image of God and in Romans 8:29 it tells us we are to be conformed to the image of his son! Wow, take a minute to ponder that. Can you imagine if others took a second glance at us just because we bear his image so well? Talk about life goals as a daughter of the king! I think that is one of the most powerful questions we can ask ourselves and the most difficult task to undertake. How do we get from point A to point B, from asking ourselves if we bear his image to actually bearing his image? JESUS. Sweet sisters, we could never do it on our own merit. We could try our hardest the rest of our days and we would still fail. In our humaness, we try to measure up but because of his grace we don't have to. Hallelujah! I don't know about you but that makes me sigh in relief. The closer we walk with him and the deeper our relationship grows, the more we will bear his image. We don't have to get ourselves together to come to Jesus, we come to Jesus so he can transform us into his image. "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalms 139:23-24) We come to him and allow him to lead and change us. When we are in love with our Savior our desire to become like him only grows and through that relationship, if we lean in, he will begin to transform us so we can bear his image. I don't know your heart sister, but my deepest desire is to walk so closely with the Father that I bear his image. That others can see Christ through me. That's my desire and prayer for you as well sister! We're sisters in Christ, but that doesn't mean the walk is easy. Are we bearing his image or is self getting in the way? It's a question we should ask ourselves daily. Im stepping on my own toes here. How would my daily life look different if I regularly asked myself am I bearing his image in this moment? When life doesn't go as planned, when we face hurt, when we experience grief, when we're rejected or left out, when we're dealing with the struggles of daily life, when the bank account has seen better days, when a diagnosis knocks the breath out of you, when friends walk away, when life simply shatters on the ground around you, who's image do we bear? Sweet sisters, what we cling to on the good days will overflow and carry us through on the hard days. His love for you will sustain you each and every day no matter the circumstances surrounding you. He's that good! We desperately need a sisterhood of his daughters joining together to lift one another up through encouragement and prayer because LIFE IS HARD! May we be the women of that sisterhood. May we lift and encourage sisters, support them through life, and take them boldly to the throne of grace. May we be sisters who bear his image so that others can know him! Questions to consider- 1) Do I desire a deeper walk and am I actively working on my personal relationship? 2) Am I bearing the image of Christ? In what areas can I improve to be more Christlike? 3) Does everyone see Christ in me, even those who have hurt or rejected me?
About UsWe're simply women with a strong desire to support and encourage other sisters in Christ. We all have different journeys, but we have one God-given purpose that brings us together and together we can do mighty things for the kingdom of God. We hope to encourage your heart and strengthen your desire to grow closer in your personal relationship with Christ. We're not perfect, nor do we have all the answers, but we hope to create a sisterhood centered on Christ and lifting up the sisters we cross paths with. We're grateful you have found your way to this sisterhood and hope you find encouragement, support, and truth through his word that helps sustain you on your journey. ArchivesCategories |